Association for excellent yeomen service shortly known as (AEYS) leading voluntary Organization situated in rural area with its head office at Pacshimakhanda bhola in Nichintakoili Block of Cuttack District.” Service to Mankind is Service to God” is the motto of our Organization. Now it is felt by all that humanity is going down and down day by day. Everywhere in every point corruption is being discussed. In this burning situation, to help needy person and established friendship and universal brother hood among the entire human race, to extend the helping hands to needy the distressed persons and to establish that “we all are equal “is the principal motto of AEYS.

Keeping it in view, we have organized various projects for the benefit of the society. We have made huge for running of Residential Deaf & Dumb School.

AT/PO – Asureswar
Dist – Cuttact , PIN- 754209